About Me

I am a 29 (going on 30 or 85 depending on the day and the symptoms) year old Dominicana who lives in Houston, Texas. I grew up a military brat so don't ask me where I'm from. I've lived in Houston for the past 12 years but came by way of San Antonio where my parents retired.

The Boring Stuff:

  • I went to UH and studied English Lit and Education (B.A. & M.Ed)
  • Like I said, I'm 29
  • My parents are from the DR
  • I have an older brother and and a younger sister (they're not boring, they're great)
  • I work in education
The Interesting Stuff:
  • I'm a published writer, poet, actress and spoken word artist (Visit my Website!)
  • I love to bake
  • I'm married to the best man in the world: Lupe Mendez (Visit his Website!)
  • I love yoga and water aerobics
  • I have a dog named Whiskey
  • I live with multiple auto-immune diseases including: Scleroderma, Lupus, and Hypothyroidism 
If you want to learn more, read my blog...duh!


  1. I cant Believe it!! You are same age as me except I am year younger than you lol. I am too living auto-immune disease such as scleroderma and lupus as for now. Plus I am married to my lovely husband and had one child before I was diagnoised chronic illness. I did graduated from UH-Clear Lake as being Psychology major and was planning to go program of HCC to provide Alternative Teacher Program which I am in enrolled.

    1. Nice to meet you! Glad you found my blog. I hope it helps you feel less alone and more understood. Reach out to me anytime!
